AFRICE Boss shares knowledge on agroecology with AIBIS

May 5, 2024    By Allan Kalangi    Blog, News

AFRICE Boss shares knowledge on agroecology with AIBIS

The Executive Director of the African Institute for Culture and Ecology (AFRICE), Mr. Dennis Tabaro last week visited AIBIS where he shared important knowledge on agroecology with the host team.

Tabaro was received at the AIBIS offices by his counterpart, Allan Kalangi. After having discussions on the shared visions of their two organisations and exploring areas for building synergies, the duo traveled to the AIBIS Agroecology Demonstration Farm in Kyankwanzi District.

The AFRICE Director commended AIBIS for establishing a farm where agroecological practices could be demonstrated.

“No one should be talking about Sustainable agriculture without talking about Agroecology. Our forefathers and mothers practiced agroecology and that is how they were able to sustain themselves for centuries. Modernity should not lead us to abandoning that knowledge that defined sustainability for centuries and generations”, Tabaro said.

He took time explaining to the AIBIS team, the relationship between food, culture and ecosystems sustainability. He said that any form of agriculture that was not agreeable to the ecosystems set-up of a given area should be abandoned. He said that community elders have an important role to play in food sovereignty and security and that they should always be consulted, and their views respected.

Kalangi thanked Tabaro for spending valuable/quality time with the AIBIS team and said that his words of counsel were well appreciated. He said that creating synergies with organisations like AFRICE was a top priority of AIBIS.